Workshop #1: Pipette Basics
Time: February 9th 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm
Place: Beadle Center E121.1
Please fill-out pre-workshop questionnaire:
What you will learn:
How to work with a variety of pipettes and syringes used in lab spaces: serological pipettes, Pasteur pipettes, micropipettes, multi-channel pipettes, and syringes.
Details of what we will go over:
Serological pipettes:
larger volumes
in plastic single-use or reusable glass options
Hands-on work: use “manual” bulb to suck
up volume of water and put into beaker. Use “automatic” serological pipettor to
suck up volume of water and dispense into beaker.
Pasteur pipettes:
in specific circumstances that don’t require precise measurements
Example: when performing lipid
extractions or any organic solvent extraction (chloroform, methanol, hexane,
Hands-on work: use bulb to suck up volume
of water and put in beaker.
Volumes: 2 μL-
5000 μL
Hands-on work: How to adjust volume of
pipette, how to suck up and dispense liquid from pipette.
Multi-channel pipettes:
o Hands-on work: How to use a multi-channel pipettes.
How to tell if a
pipette is broken?
Hands-on work: Calibrate pipettes, or at
least checking accuracy (weighing water)
Water’s density is 1 mL = 1 g so you can
determine the accuracy of your pipettes by weighing water at various volumes
Hands-on work: Taking apart and cleaning
Being able to take apart a pipette and
clean/lubricate it will help keep your pipettes accurate and long lasting.
Syringes (if there is time):
Used primarily in anaerobic work,
or when injecting a liquid into something with a stopper
Hands-on work: suck up liquid into
syringe and dispense into Balch tube
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